joi, 20 noiembrie 2008


Today people are increasingly more stressed. That is the reason that they are searching to find a way to relax and to get out from daily stress.
Like most people, I have this century disease, namely stress. However, it does not have to beat me. I found ways to combat this. To beat stress I listen to music, which is the most convenient because I can listen to music wherever I want, at the school, at home, in pubs, in parks, everywhere. If this does not help me, I try to take a hot bath with many bubbles or I take a shower. Researchers have discovered that drops of water fallen on the skin relaxes the brain, and after a shower we are more happy. Another method is playing a game like tennis or basket. When you play something, or when you swim you forget your problems, you are concentrating at what you have to do, win the game or stay at the surfaceJ. Another method is waking in the park, going out with friends for a drink or dance. Dancing is a great way to get rid of stress because when you dance you do not look at what is surrounding you; you move on the music, you laugh. Moreover, laugh is the best medicine against stress.

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