joi, 20 noiembrie 2008

Speak about the importance of being good mannered in one’s life

In this world, being good mannered is essential in communication.
Since you are born, your parents are the ones who try to educate you. They try to teach you what is right and what is wrong.
The first thing that they teach you is that you always have to say “Thank you” when you received something or when somebody does something good for you. They are the ones who teach you that you have to eat with a spoon and a fork and not to speak when you are eating. If you speak with your mouth full nobody will understand you, nobody will listen to you even if you have something important to say.
Some other things that they teach you are that you always have to say “Good morning!”, “Good afternoon!” or “Good night!” depending on the time.
Other values that your parent tried to teach you are the respect for others, the sense of responsibility, and the tolerance and respect for other people beliefs. That means that you have to respect in order to be respected by others. Nobody will respect you if you are impolite.
If you enter in a room and you do not say anything then shut the door with your foot, people will realize that you do not have any manners and they will not give you any chance to prove who you really are. If you speak with somebody older than you with colloquial language he doesn’t listen to you even if you have something interesting or important to say because he won’t know what you’re thinking if you don’t have any manners.
If you stay in a buss on the chair and an old man stay upright and you give him your seat, the old man will be grateful to you, and you will prove that you have good manners. If you do not do that, the old man won’t be upset with you but he will thing that your parents didn’t think you that.
That it is. Being good mannered is very important

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